Academic Year(2023-24) Holiday
27-03-2024 to 31-03-2024
Academic Year(2024-25) begins
Summer Holiday begins

Crescent Shape Day(Kinder World) on 02-02-2024
A crescent is a semi-circular or curved shape resembling the letter C and most notably is the shape of the moon when it is less than half illuminated.
On this day our buddies came with crescent shaped objects. The fact about the shape was explained to them. Photos were taken to make the day a memorable one.

Eye Checkup(Grade V to VIII) on 09.02.2024
Eye Checkup at Jesus School
An eye checkup was conducted at Jesus School to assess the vision health of students and address any potential issues that may affect their learning and overall well-being.

Eye Checkup(Kinder World) on 09-02-2024
A standard ophthalmic exam is a comprehensive series of tests done by an ophthalmologist. These tests check both your vision and the health of your eyes.
On this day we conducted Eye check up to our buddies, Ophthalmologist from Dr Prathap’s eye hospital, Nagercoil, examined our young one’s and prescribed the necessary medication to our buddies. The report was sent to the parents.

Crazy Hair Style Day celebration(Kinder World) on 12-02-2024
Crazy Hair Day is all about having fun, activating creativeness, also going wild with eye-catching and out- of- the- box. On this day our buddies came in crazy hair style along with stylish outfit. The Kinderworld kids have performed in a ramp walk session, which was quite mesmerizing one. They enjoyed the day with their class mates with a lot of amusement. Photos and videos captured their special moments to make the day a memorable one.

Math Day(Kinder World) on 14-02-2024
Math expo is the integral part of life, the motto of Math Expo is to make the children understand the mathematical concept in a interesting manner. On this day all our buddies came with Math projects. Mr. Shalbin (Math Teacher) Came as judge . On this day our buddies exhibited their projects and also explained it to the judges. Photos were taken to make the day a memorable one.

Social Club Day on 22-02-2024
Social Club:Uniting Through Talent and Diversity
On February 22, 2024, the Social Club at Jesus School organized a captivating event, showcasing the diverse talents of its students. From melodious performances like the “Planet Song” advocating for environmental conservation to thought-provoking dramas on themes like national integration, unity in diversity, and women’s empowerment, each act left a lasting impression on the audience. The event, orchestrated by the Social Club, highlighted the school’s commitment to fostering creativity and community engagement among its students.