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Tamil Club Inauguration on 01-12-2023

The Tamil Club Inauguration at Jesus School for Excellence was a cultural extravaganza on 01.12.2023, featuring a delightful fusion of music, literature, and traditional dance. The air resonated with melodious tunes as students presented soul-stirring songs that paid tribute to Tamil culture that echoed the beauty of the language. Complementing the musical showcase, students expressed their literary talents through a captivating letter song, where words became melodies in celebration of Tamil heritage. Adding a traditional touch, the Kumi dance unfolded, a visual spectacle. The event not only celebrated diversity but also showcased the school’s dedication to nurturing a deep connection with the Tamil culture through creative expressions.

Science Day(Kinder World) on 03-11-2023

A Science expo is a competitive exhibition of science projects. In this expo all the projects were prepared by our school children with the support of their teachers and parents. The motto of this exhibition was to stimulate the philosophy of research in our buddies. On this day our buddies exhibited their projects and also explained it to the judges. Parents were also invited to witness the performance of our buddies.

Pink Day(Kinder World)

“Pink is’nt just a colour it’s a attitude”
As a blend of red and white, pink has traits of both colors. On one side, it has the passion and action of red, and on the other side, it has the peacefulness and purity of white. Pink relish in giving and receiving nurture. It evokes images of compassion and kindness while charming with harmony.Because pink is so affectionate, it is a color that needs acceptance and support.
On the day of celebration all our kids came in Pink dress and pink objects. Our teachers introduced the colour to our buddies. Photos were taken to make the day a memorable one.

Science Exhibition on 10-11-2023

“Exploring Boundless Curiosity: Witness the brilliance of Jesus School for Excellence at our Science Exhibition! #ScienceShowcase #StudentInnovation #JesusSchoolForExcellence”