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Author: jse_admin

Balloon Day (Kinder World ) on 27-09-2024

“Life is a long journey so enjoy it and make some beautiful memories along the way.”
As per the quotes mentioned our children of Kinderworld celebrated the balloon day with lots of joy. On this day all our buddies came with different colours of balloons which indicated different emotions. Our young little ones were in the mood of celebration from the morning , as it was the last day of term 1.
The celebration started with the dance for the rhymes representing the balloon. All our children danced for the rhythm with their balloons. The entire Kinderworld block was filled with party mode. The show ended up by allowing the balloons to fly high with high enthusiasm.
It was last day for term 1 and fresh start for term 2. Photos were taken to make the day a memorable one.

Tell a Fairy Tale Day (Kinder World ) on 20-09-2024

Story telling competition increase children’s willingness to communicate thoughts and feelings, increase verbal proficiency, encourage use of imagination and creativity. So Tell a Fairy Tale competition was organised for our young minds on 20th of September. It opens up the vivid imaginations that runs wild in children and it also builds confidence and enhances speaking skills.
The young vibrant storytellers came forth with wonderful fairy tales. While some stories provided food for thought, some reinforced moral values and some were humorous.
The stories were adjudged on the basis of memory, diction, properties and presentation skills of the children.
Dr Shamna Begum, Research Supervisor, DiYES International School, Parassala was the judge for the competition. Our students actively participated in the competition, judge was impressed by the performance of our buddies. Photos and videos were recorded to make the day a memorable one.

Triangle Day (Kinder World) on 18-09-2024

As teachers, we all know how important it is to introduce early learners to 2D shapes. These foundational shapes set the stage for understanding more complex geometric concepts in the future. But merely teaching shapes through worksheets and flash cards can quickly become dull and unengaging for young children. That’s why today, we’ll explore a variety of fun and creative 2D shape activities for kinderworld students that will enhance learning experiences while keeping students actively involved. From shape recognition games to outdoor shape exploration, these activities will inspire our students to have a blast while learning about shapes.
A great way to teach two-dimensional shapes to little learners is to introduce and look at the different shapes of real life objects. When students can make a connection and identify shape attributes of items all around them, they are more likely to master shape identification.
The Kinderworld School of Jesus School for Excellence celebrated “Triangle Day” on Wednesday, 18th September 2024 in a very interesting way.
On that day all our buddies came with triangular object, the class was decorated with different triangle shaped objects. The teacher introduced triangle shape by showing different triangular objects.
Triangle Day was indeed a fun-filled day for our little buddies!! They learnt the shape with fun.Photos were taken to make the day a memorable one.

Flowers Day (Kinder World) 0n 13-09-2024

“The earth laughs in flowers.”
A flower is a special kind of plant part. Flowers are also called the bloom or blossom of a plant. The flower grows on a stalk – a thin node – which supports it. Flowers have petals. Inside the part of the flower that has petals are the parts which produce pollen and seeds. There are different varities of flowers.
Our little buds celebrated Flowers day on 13th September, 2024. All our buddies came with different varieties of flowers. The flowers were segregated and arranged as per the type. The kinderworld stage was decorated with flowers.
Children were encouraged to touch, feel and smell the flowers. Our teachers explained the facts like name and colour about the flower. Our young minds explored different varieties of flowers and enjoyed the day. The block was colourful and filled with fragrance of different flowers. Photos were taken to make the day a memorable one.

Orange Day (Kinder World) on 11-09-2024

“Unity in diversity marks the celebration of Orange day”.
Toddlers in Orange radiated warmth and happiness, combining the physical energy and stimulation of red with the cheerfulness of yellow.
The children of Kinderworld of Jesus School for Excellence, celebrated Orange day on 11th of September with a sole objective to acquaint the little ones with the concept of the secondary colour and objects related to it. The children were exposed to a series of creative activities to help them understand the positive impact of orange.
The teachers and children were both in a harmonious shades of orange colour. The children enjoyed a lot and it was indeed a pleasure to witness little ones dressed up in orange bubbling with energy and fascination.
The activity helped in reinforcing the concept of orange colour and creating a cognitive link between visual clues and words among the learners. Children came with orange object, those objects were decorated on the stage and photos were taken to make the day a memorable one.
Many of our buddy’s lunch boxes were filled with Carrot rice, Carrot fry and Kesary ( a sweet ). All our buddies enjoyed the day.

Sports Day ( Junior & Middle School) on 06-09-2024

Our school celebrated Sports Day on September 6 with great enthusiasm. The finals for all sports events were held, followed by the prize distribution ceremony. The Yellow Team emerged as the overall champions, winning the overall trophy. The Dakshin Sahodaya competition prizes were presented by the chief guest, Inspector of Vallioor, Mr.Pachaiammal.
The event also featured an impressive parade, a well-coordinated drill, and engaging performances in yoga, silambam, and karate, highlighting the students’ diverse talents. The day was a celebration of sportsmanship and cultural pride..