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Author: jse_admin

Teacher’s Day & Onam Celebration on 03-09-2024

Our school celebrated Onam and Teachers’ Day with great enthusiasm and cultural pride. Students arrived in traditional Onam attire, adding a festive charm to the occasion. The celebration began with a delicious Onam Sadhya (special lunch) provided to all students, giving everyone a taste of Kerala’s rich culinary tradition.
Following the lunch, a special Teachers’ Day program was organized to honor our educators. All the preparations and arrangements were expertly handled by the Grade XI students, whose dedication made the event a memorable and joyous experience for both teachers and students.

Our Flag Day (Junior School ) on 13-08-2024

As the nation inches closer to celebrating its Independence Day, one of the best ways to express our patriotism and gratitude is to remember the historic day. On August13,2024 Junior School celebrated “Our Flag Day”. The design of the Flag Day was constructed by students using rangoli colour and salt.In the national flag of India, the top band is of Saffron colour, indicating the strength and courage of the country was traced by grade three students. The white middle band indicates peace and truth was traced by grade one students. Grade four students traced flagpole brown colour and the Navy-blue color of the Ashoka Chakra placed in the center of the white strip which is a depiction of the Dharma Chakra represents the color of sky and ocean, the universal truth. The last band is green in colour shows the fertility, growth and auspiciousness of the land was traced by grade two students.On this Independence Day, let’s honour the courage of our forefathers and strive to build a better India together.

Math Puzzle Day (Middle School) on 27-08-2024

On [27.08.24], our school held Maths Puzzle Day, where each student brought a math puzzle to challenge their classmates. The event was filled with excitement as students exchanged puzzles, working together to solve them. This fun and interactive day helped reinforce mathematical concepts and fostered a love for problem-solving among the students.

Field Trip (Kinder World) on 24-07-2024

We Kindergarten of Jesus School for Excellence organized a Field Trip on 23rd of August. The trip allowed our students to acquire first-hand knowledge beyond the confines of the classroom.
Our buddies were taken to the Rajas Dental College Museum, the dentist over there explained the ways of taking care of teeth and gave general awareness about it. They also explained and showcased different instruments used over there. Our buddies were very curious to know about their teeth, they also promised that they will brush twice a day and avoid chocolates at night. The director of the Dental College met our buddies and wished them. After lunch we planned to take our buddies for movie. In Rajas Mall we watched the movie.
Finally, the trip ended with a group photo together with their friends and teachers. On our way back, we sang so many songs together and enjoyed it greatly during the field trip.
All in all, field trips are great for reigniting love and forming bonds with one another. They enhance your mental and physical health. Also, they keep the light and love glowing that sometimes get lost in our daily lives.

Rectangle Day (Kinder World) on 21-08-2024

Understanding shape is an essential tool to learn many skills. Kindeworld of Jesus School for Excellence celebrated Rectangle day celebration for the students with the aim of introducing knowledge of Rectangular shape.
The theme was planned to enable the children to identify the Rectangular shapes. Teachers explained the facts about the shape and the children were encouraged to find the shape based objects inside and outside their classroom.
To further reinforce the concept children were encouraged to walk on a shape outline on the floor. The classroom was decorated with the rectangle objects bought by our children, photos were taken to make the day a memorable one The little ones enjoyed their days and learned about shapes in their own ways.

Puzzle Day (Kinder World) on 19-08-2024

“Always keep your brain sharp and active with puzzles to solve”
Completing puzzles helps children develop essential cognitive skills. As they manipulate puzzle pieces and figure out where they fit, kids improve their spatial awareness, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills. Puzzles also promote logical thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving abilities.
“You are never bored when you have a puzzle to solve by your side…. Enjoy this life with lots of puzzles….
Puzzles always keep brains active and that’s why August 19th was celebrated as Puzzle Day . Teachers prepared the worksheets based on puzzles and encouraged our buddies to solve it. All our buddies tried to solve the puzzles by their own. They were happily engaged in solving the puzzles. Our buddies enjoyed the day celebration.

Math Club Inauguration (Junior & Middle School) on 20-08-2024

On 20th August 2024, the Irrational Innovators Mathematics Club was inaugurated with enthusiastic participation from students across all school levels. The event featured a Shape Concept Dance by Junior School students, creatively showcasing their understanding of geometry, followed by a Mathematics Quiz for Middle School students, testing their problem-solving abilities. The highlight of the event was a compelling speech on Irrational Numbers delivered by a Secondary School student, which emphasized the intriguing nature of these numbers. The inauguration successfully ignited a passion for mathematics among the students and set a positive tone for the club’s future activities.